Negative emotions of groups following different media in Serbia on Twitter

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Additional research results will be included into this paper. They are presented here.

Hypothesis 1: Groups following different media on Twitter in Serbia will express different sentiment in terms of negative emotions in posts on their Twitter profiles

Hypothesis 2: Groups following media with opposition narrative on Twitter will express more intense negative emotions than those following media with positive attitude towards government.

Hypothesis 3: Groups following gossip and lifestyle media on Twitter will project lower level of negative emotions than those following news media.

Hypothesis 4: Groups involving general population on twitter will tend tho show generally lower levels of negative emotions than groups that follow news media on Twitter.

Live graph showing negative emotions expressed by followers of selected media such as those with opposition narrative (N1 and Birn), lifestyle and gossip media such as Tracara and Hello Magazine and group reflecting general population of Twitter users in Serbia

Live graph showing negative emotions expressed by followers of 20 Twitter media profiles and group of general population in Serbia