Using Demographic Facebook Data for Beer Advertising

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Using demographic Facebook data for beer advertising

Branko Arsic, Ljubisa Bojic, [add co-author here]

Target journal:
Computer Science and Information Systems

Abstract Draft:
Unique possibilities of Internet for market research such as real-time data access, knowledge about people’s changing preferences and access to their status messages provide possibility for innovation in this field, when compared to classical offline ways. Literature review shows there are no studies about use of demographic Facebook data for improvement of sales of any product. Previous research inquiries also show beer advertising may be effective in increasing sales. Facebook users are filtered to get those who like beer brands. Filtering was done by software for neurolinguistic social network analysis “Symbols.” Data are further processed through SPSS. Outputs of this research inquiry show that if percentage of university educated and percentage of women increase while age decreases this might cause increase in popularity of some beer brand. This finding can be used for branding beer products and establishing new method of online market research. Establishing methodology for analyzing dynamic data (status messages) may be of interest for future research inquiries.